Mollie Panzner

Mollie oversees Enablement, Product Marketing and Sales Engineering at Wiser, ensuring Wiser’s Go to Market team has the tools necessary to best serve customers in the retail and pricing intelligence space.

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Brand Management

Understanding Digital Trends: Key Insights from Retail Leaders

The Digital Shelf Institute and Wiser bring to you a review of key topics shared with us by leaders in

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Retail Execution

Streamlining Retail Workflows with Mobile Solutions

In the dynamic world of retail, streamlining workflows is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and enhancing customer service. Mobile solutions

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Retail Execution

Integrating Sales Data for Smarter Strategy: A Guide for FMCG Brands

In the competitive fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, leveraging integrated sales data is essential for crafting smarter, more responsive strategies.

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Retail Execution

The Evolution of In-Store Analytics: How Image Recognition Technology is Transforming Retail Execution

In the fast-paced retail sector, staying ahead means leveraging technology to enhance visibility and compliance across store operations. Image recognition

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Price Management

Understanding Price Elasticity in Retail: Types and Strategic Application

Price elasticity is a fundamental concept in economics and marketing that measures how the demand for a product changes in

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Brand Management

Understanding Brand Share vs. Market Share: Detailed Strategies for In-Store and Online Optimization

In today’s retail landscape, understanding and strategically enhancing brand share and market share are essential for success. This deep dive

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Retail Execution

What is a Perfect Store? Create a Strategy That Wins with Consumers

In the dynamic world of retail, the concept of a “Perfect Store” has become a strategic goal for brands aiming

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Retail Execution

HQ Retail Execution vs. Store-Level Retail Execution

In the dynamic world of retail, successful execution strategies require a fine balance between high-level planning at headquarters and on-the-ground

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Consumer Experience

What You Can Actually Do About eCommerce Out-of-Stocks

Navigating the complex terrain of eCommerce inventory management, brands often grapple with one persistent challenge: out-of-stocks (OOS). The consequences of

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Retail Execution

How to Level Up Your Trade Spend Accounting

In today’s competitive retail landscape, the ability to effectively manage trade spend is critical for brands aiming to drive profitable

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